Monday, 5 October 2015

What's lost in Work-to-Rule Stage 3?

These tools are all currently lost due to the Elementary school work-to-rule action, which according to CBC includes:

"teachers will not provide comments on report cards, update classroom websites or blogs, complete or distribute class newsletters, participate in in-school meetings or professional learning activities on the next PA day, fill in for an absent teacher, or take on other duties during prep time."
While I do not place any blame for the loss of these non-essential teaching tools on either party they can be useful tools. I’m exploring these topics because the work-to-rule action has brought them into the educational spotlight. I wish only to show that these teaching tools can be extremely valuable to parents, teachers and students.  

Report Card Comments

Report card comments are meant to supplement a student’s grade and explain, to both parent and student, which areas the student is excelling in and which areas need improvement. These comments should be personalized for each student and based on their experiences with the content. Report card comments should also include ‘next steps’ for students, which can help high achieving student’s excel and prevent lower achieving students from being overwhelmed by too many ‘next steps’. Though brief, report card comments can provide a succinct summary of the student’s achievement to the student and their parents; a vital step in the group effort of ensuring maximal student achievement.

Example Ontario 9-12 Report Card

Classroom Websites

Classroom websites, blogs, wikis, twitter accounts, etc. can be useful tools for communicating with teachers and students. These tools can be used for a variety of purposes; both organizational and educational. For both students and parents, these sites can serve as 21st century agendas, listing homework, trips, PA days and events. This information is easily accessible for parents and students and can’t get lost on the way home. Classroom websites and other online tools can also serve educational purposes. Teachers can post review questions, additional practice sheets, study guides, experiments to try at home, teaching videos, real life applications and extending activities. All of these resources can be shared in the classroom but class time is limited. Having these resources posted online means that teachers can share a wider variety of information that students can access in privacy and based on their own needs. It also gives both parents and students access to resources that fit their needs, instead of taking class time to introduce an extending activity that is only relevant to a couple of students. Classroom websites are limited only by the time a teacher can invest; they’re valuable tools for communication and self-directed learning.
Sample Newsletter

Here are some of the more popular classroom websites:
Good Sites (with instructional video)

Class Newsletters
Class newsletters can serve similar purposes to class websites, they help communicate with parents and students. Class newsletters are more limited than websites because they can’t be updated daily. Despite this, newsletters can still inform parents of large assignments, class trips, school events, fundraisers, PA days and breaks. They are perhaps a more traditional way of communicating with a student’s household and therefore may be seen by more parents.

Professional Development

Professional development may seem unnecessary because teachers are well educated before stepping into the classroom for their first day. Although it is true that teachers should be well prepared for their first day the classroom is a fluid and dynamic place. Professional development can include updates to teaching practices that have been discovered by academia since the teacher graduated. It can also include workshops on how to adapt to new curricula or teaching goals. Further, professional development days can be used to learn new teaching or extracurricular programs that teachers may be interested in applying. In the 21st century, many workshops are devoted to technology in the classroom, both how to use it for student learning and for communication. Without these experiences teachers won’t be constantly learning, adapting and expanding their teaching toolkits unless they do so on their own time.

For teachers looking to continue improving their practice edutopia has a variety of professional development tools.


Tri-County Regional School Board. Report Card Comments. A Handbook for Elementary Teachers. Retrieved from:

Haines, Rebeccah, Keep parents in the loop with classroom websites. Learn NC. Retrieved from

Teacher development resources. Edutopia. Retrieved from: